The views from our kitchen window

St. Patrick's Day, March 17, and these are the views from our kitchen window tonight. Stunning, especially for this time of year.

Green green green

Mid-March and we've mowed the lawn for the first time and started cutting back all the grasses. Everything is green and bursting into leaf and bloom. We're really enjoying the extra hour Daylight Savings Time is giving us each evening.

On the verge of spring

It's begun. We cut back the first of the flower beds on March 1. Already the carpet rose in the entry garden was starting to green up and leaf out. We hope to get to one flower bed each day until everything is cut back, but I have a feeling––with the mild weather we've been having––that we'll be hard pressed to keep up with everything that's trying to grow! Oh, how I love spring!
The view off our front porch to the meadow to the east. Can't wait till all
those branches are full of pear blossoms and cottonwood leaves.

Once we cut down the Maiden Grasses on either side of the driveway, we'll
be able to see the flag on the mailbox again.