First blooms!

It's April 4, and the very first blooms of spring have appeared, almost overnight. The forsythia adds a burst of yellow to the front yard. And on the porch, bright pansies turn their faces to the sun while purple kale looks on. Okay, this is cheating a bit because the pansies and kale are leftovers from our autumn pots. Apparently the front porch offered enough protection from wind and snow that they not only survived the winter, but thrived. And now they're giving us a lovely spring fashion show!

They say it's a late spring this year, and I found this photo, taken March 26 of last year, to prove it. Of course, on April 6 last year, we got 4 inches of snow, which ruined the spring blossoms you see below and set us back in the garden by a few weeks. So I think a late spring isn't necessarily a bad thing.

1 comment :

Mary said...

Love your blog. I live in Wichita and have found it's not easy to find blogs about gardening in our part of the state. Lots about KC area.

Information on flowers that do well in our area is really appreciated.

Thanks again