The colors of February

The colors of February are usually gray and white, but on this 7th day of the month, we're seeing all the shades of sunshine and fire. The red twig dogwood is in its glory, and the sedum on Rock Garden Hill is spiked with red and yellow. I repotted the Christmas poinsettias and cleaned out the succulent dish that's been inside all winter. They will have to live in the garage for the next few weeks, but with temps pushing 70 today, we set the pots on the deck and pretended it was spring. We even put burgers on the grill and lunched out on the deck in sunglasses and shirtsleeves. Our kitties are sure they've died and gone to heaven!


Ewa said...

your poinsettia is sooo beautiful!

Deborah Raney said...

Thanks, Ewa. I hope it will keep going in the garden this summer. I've never been crazy about the Christmas red poinsettias, but I just love the color of this one.