Shopping at the compost heap

Our "compost" heap behind the shed is where we toss all the pulled weeds, old dirt and mulch, raked grass and leaves. Surprisingly, it has turned into a place where we can go "shopping" for pot filler. The Sedum varieties and the Speedwell in these two pot sprang up from what we raked from the rock garden last spring and tossed on the heap.


Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I have a pile like that too. Isn't it great! Nice planters.

Deborah Raney said...

I've enjoyed the strawberry pot SO much. I had herbs in it the first year, coleus last year, and this year I filled it with various sedums and speedwell from the compost pile, and put a small coleus in the top.

If you know me, you'll know that you'll see many more photos of how it's growing as the summer progresses. :)