Sweet potato vine success!

Remember that sweet potato vine I snipped off to root? Well, I planted it in the corner of a pot on the back deck (even before the roots weren't very thick yet) and although at first it looked like it would just wilt and die, it didn't! It took hold and is doing as well as the vines I started from last year's tubers. 
 Now I have another one rooting on the kitchen counter (alongside those beautiful eggplants our daughter grew in their Missouri garden). I'm letting this one get thick roots before I plant it. We'll see if that keeps it from trying to wilt the first few days. I wonder if these rooted plants will produce tubers?


Melanie said...

I'm excited to know that!! My mom has the green one like you, so I plan to "accidentally" knock off a start from her vine for next spring :-) Thanks for the update on your project! And those eggplant DO look beautiful!!

Deborah Raney said...

If your mom's sweet potato vine is as overgrown as ours, she will be HAPPY to let you have a snip! : )