A new tree!

November 25, we replaced a Korean Sun Pear tree that died this summer with a wonderful Eastern Redbud. I love the promise of a bare tree planted in the fall. Makes spring all that more looked-forward-to! 
 This is what we hope to see come April!


Melanie said...

I love redbuds!! They seem to survive, despite lack of care!! Wishing mine were as thick as yours. .but, alas. .if I might water it more. .it may be as thick as yours :-)Hope yours does well!

Kathy Cheek said...

What I love about redbuds, besides being so pretty, is that they are one of the earliest flowering trees/bushes/plants to bloom, and after winter, we are so ready for those early signs of spring!

Deborah Raney said...

Melanie, if you got the rain we did today, your redbuds will be happy!

Kathy, we have a few in our neighborhood and I "measure" spring by when they bloom! Some years, sadly, we've had blooms and snow simultaneously! : }

Deborah Raney said...

By the way, Melanie, I keep meaning to tell you that we planted the seeds you sent us several weeks ago! Can't wait to watch for them to grow! : )